Tuesday, December 7, 2021

RTP to Start a New Cooperation Partnership in Higher Education under Erasmus+

Research & Training Point Foundation joins an international consortium, coordinated by Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu - Romania, for a new project funded by the Erasmus+ Program (KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education). The project LEARN.Inc- Learning Incubator for Project-based Teaching and Training through Research, brings together also partners from Greece – Hellenic Open University, Turkey - Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi, as well as Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski


LEARN.Inc aims to advance teaching and learning innovation in the partner universities through cross-institutional collaboration, knowledge sharing and networking which extends beyond academia and seeks inspiration, feedback and validation from local communities and stakeholders. The 3-year project focuses on fostering creativity and redesigning learning spaces through challenge-based learning for graduate-level students (MAs and PhDs), with students co-designing flexible and modular e-learning formats that are developed in response to pertinent societal issues. By bringing formal education closer to the agenda of society and local communities, the project strives to create a supportive environment for bottom-up initiatives where faculty and students access and develop knowledge in an agile way, where research is a key element in the process, and learners follow personalized learning paths with ownership of the results and achievements. Through the project results – a virtual Sandbox, an Incubator and an open digital archive - the project contributes to the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem, connecting staff, students and infrastructure of the partner HEIs. Through the close cooperation with local research organizations and communities, the project also aims to increase the awareness of current societal challenges and to provide opportunities for social and civic engagement for the academic community.